Grace Point Strata Management Services provides safe access to relevant
information that may be helpful to strata owners and real estate professionals.


www.ica.bc.ca - Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia protects the public interest by ensuring the highest level of professional excellence in financial reporting.


www.bclaws.ca - BC Laws provides free public access to the current laws of British Columbia including the:
  • Personal Information Protection Act governs collection and distribution of information.
  • Real Estate Services Act governing strata managers and management companies
  • Residential Tenancy Act governing landlords, tenants and rental properties
  • Strata Property Act governing strata owners and corporations
  • Schedule of Standard Bylaws providing guidance for strata corporations

He always allows the strata members to come to their own decisions, but is there with advice on the law or what may have worked for other strata if asked.
Sheila and Andrea

Property Maintenance

www.hpo.bc.ca - The Homeowner Protection Office carries out research and education which benefits the residential construction industry and consumers.
www.cmhc.ca - The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides housing policy and programs and research.

He constantly consulted with our Council for input on crucial matters pertaining to our specific rules, regulations and bylaws and guided us through the legalities of more than one difficult decision.

Real Estate Associations

www.recbc.ca - The Real Estate Council of British Columbia (RECBC) is responsible for licensing strata managers and management companies and investigates complaints against licensees.
www.spabc.org - The Strata Property Agents of British Columbia (SPABC) is an industry association representing the interests and issues of strata management companies.
www.choa.bc.ca - The Condominium Home Owner's of British Columbia (CHOA) is a non-profit association that promotes the understanding of strata property living and the interests of strata property owners.
www.visoa.bc.ca - The Vancouver Island Strata Owners Association (VISOA) is an independent non-profit organization with the aim to provide information to strata owners on Vancouver Island.

Records and Documents

  • Strata Owners
  • Realtors
  • Lawyers/Notaries Public

Tom was always an email or phone call away when I had a concern. He dealt with these concerns promptly and professionally and always with a follow up call.

Call today and experience the difference
Grace Point can make for you.